Things to Consider When Upgrading Shared Laundry Equipment

Things to Consider When Upgrading Shared Laundry Equipment - Blog Article

For a lot of owner’s corporations, landlords and accommodation managers, maintaining shared laundry equipment can be a bit of a nightmare. Many buildings are stuck with 10+ year old equipment which is always breaking and only offers coin payment options.

This is why Nina’s Laundrette offers our No Cost Laundry Equipment Solution. Nina’s Laundrette takes the frustration away. We provide brand-new laundry equipment that is PayPass enabled at no cost to the owner. We also take care of maintenance and servicing. This ensures that residents, tenants, guests, or customers have access to reliable washing machines and dryers.

If you’re thinking about upgrading the equipment in your shared laundry here are some things you may need to consider.

Does your shared laundry have the correct access to power?

Does your shared laundry have shared power or an individual power supply to each room?

Some older-style blocks of units were designed with shared laundries that had a power outlet connected to each individual unit so that each resident could pay for their own washing machine usage.

This can be problematic for owners corporations who have multiple shared laundries but only want to supply equipment in one of them. A common and easy fix can be to add a new outlet attached to the common power.

Modern electric dryers require 20 amp outlets

If your shared laundry has an electric dryer that you are looking to upgrade you will likely find that you will likely install a 20 amp outlet. Modern dryers designed for shared laundries run from a 20 amp supply. this improves energy efficiency and dry clothes faster.

If you’re not sure if the shared laundry in your building has the correct power supply available for upgrading shared laundry equipment. Reach out to our team by completing our contact form and our team can help.

Does your share laundry have hot and cold water available?

Some older shared laundry facilities were only designed with a cold water supply. Washing machines can operate with just a cold water supply. However, washing machines only connected to cold water won’t be able to offer a hot wash.

Does your shared laundry have adequate ventilation?

Ventilation is important in a laundry because washing machines and dryers give off heat when they are running. Proper ventilation and an exhaust fan keep the laundry room from overheating. It will also control humidity, avoid mildew, prevent lint fires, reduce odors, and improve air quality.

High humidity also affects the performance of your dryer, meaning it will take longer to dry your clothes.

If your laundry doesn’t have a fan there are a few things you can do. An open door or window should be enough for air to flow through the space.

Is your shared laundry accessible to all necessary stakeholders?

In a previous example, we discussed older power supply setups being a potential headache when upgrading shared laundry equipment. Ensuring that all the correct stakeholders can access the laundry room is another.

If you are choosing to have a lock on your shared laundry, consider who will need to access the room. Residents, customers and maintenance workers may at different times require access to the room. If you are choosing to lock your shared laundry consider updating the lock which requires a code to get in. WiFi-enabled locks allow you to have multiple pin codes for each stakeholder. Some even allow you to limit the time that a particular stakeholder can get access.

Our Northcote Laundromat is located at

267 St Georges Rd, Northcote